Distributed security across your hybrid cloud

vArmour provides insight and control for multi-cloud environments by micro-segmenting each of your applications and by wrapping protection around every workload – increasing visibility, security, and operational efficiency.

With vArmour, you can see the traffic in your hybrid cloud, whether it’s network, application or end-user. You can segment all your workloads wherever they are within your cloud. And you can secure your data centres with proactive deception.

Security and increased efficiency

Imagine if you could visualise the laterally-moving threats in your hybrid cloud infrastructure.

Imagine if you could secure 100% of your workloads – anywhere.

And imagine if you could do all this cost-effectively with a side-order of increased efficiency.

This is the vArmour way, and at I-BIT, we know that because it is a single logical system composed of multiple autonomous, distributed sensors and enforcement points that are connected by an intelligent fabric, it must be a vital part of any mission-critical hybrid cloud solution.

Designed for the multi-cloud world

vArmour has been designed from the ground up to scale your security across all your cloud and on-premise environments. By moving security controls from the perimeter down next to each workload, vArmour provides deep, Layer 7 visibility and global policy management across private and public cloud infrastructures.

Being designed for the modern software-driven datacenter that is built on a range of infrastructures. vArmour’s architecture leverages these key design principles for today’s multi-clouds:

  • extensibility
  • scalability
  • security
  • actionability

Using these principles, we work with vArmour to help organisations along the path to building a multi-cloud security architecture.