We know that cloud IT has many advantages over on-premise datacentres, but how do these systems insure against outages? A recent outage at Amazon Web Service highlights the need for optimal disaster recovery.

One method might be to maintain disaster recovery on-premise. However, many view this as a retrograde step. And according to Jon Forster, consulting senior IT adviser at Moray (Fitness First Group), it’s a far from ideal solution.

Jon argues that a hybrid cloud is the safest and cost-effective approach. For example, Fitness First’s membership system is run on Nutanix’s hyper-converged infrastructure, but disaster recovery utilises Microsoft Azure’s IaaS. According to Jon, “This way, you can have the cloud dialled down to run in the smallest footprint, and ramp up when you need it.”

You can read more about hybrid cloud approaches to disaster recovery in Computer Weekly’s full article.